Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Congressman Thomas Marino

I called my congressman.I spoke with a member of his staff for over 10minutes.

I wanted him to know that I think the outrage the Republicans have over "Religious Freedom" and Obama's health care plan is misplaced. I wanted him to know that by focusing of contraception, he is missing the point. I wanted him to know that one of his constituents is against his fight.

Look. Freedom of Religion is great, we should be able to worship as we see fit. A religious organization shouldn't be forced to purchase anything that doesn't uphold their beliefs. BUT. Since our republican leaders are so focused of what they see as an attack of religion they miss the big picture.

I told the Congressman's office that I felt that by focusing on contraception it was just a sneaky way to abolish the right of women to choose. They picked an emotional issue to get a response without taking consideration to the other religions that will take advantage of a religious loophole in order to have morality clauses. It's the insurance companies that will win. They will make money regardless, while the rest of us are denied coverage. Our bosses will pick the worst insurance companies to save a little money. WE the workers will be the ones too lose.

(ok so I don't work outside the home, but I did. I will again.)

Just because this issue doesn't affect me now, doesn't it mean it won't in the future. If I never work outside the home again, my children will. My daughter will. I don't want her to live a life where she needs to be ashamed of being a woman. I don't want her to have to fight for basic rights.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's been awhile.

Well, it's been longer than I intended.

Anyway, I did a bad thing. I did not vote today. I know! I know! It's so important to vote, and I didn't. I have no excuse. I just didn't go.

One good thing, it was only the Primary. Mitt Romney will win the state since Rick Santorum is out. I used to like Mitt Romney, I don't anymore. His pledge to do away with Planned Parenthood is reason enough. His plan to cut spending gives me more. In case you didn't hear, he plans to cut everything. Entitlement programs, education, NASA, you name it. Our military will be well funded, as it should be, but our veterans? not so much. He would like to cut veteran care too. His budget plan won't work. Plain and simple. We need to cut spending, we do. I think we should start at the salaries of our legislatures.

I think welfare and the like need to be looked at. I think many entitlement programs need to be re-vamped. I don't think we should do away with them, but we have to remember that welfare is supposed to be a hand-up, not a hand out. It's not a lifestyle, and sadly, for many it is.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sporadic Posting

I thought I would post nearly every day.
I got busy.

House is being worked on, kids have been sick.  In short, I need a vacation, or a nap. Olivia is sleeping through the night now, so, YAY! I can't wait for the kids' rooms to be done though. Sharing a room with a 2yr old is tough.

My birthday went well. I had a night off from the kids, and a couple of drinks with friends. Good times.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feeling Controversal Today

Plus my birthday is in a week.
What does that have to do with anything? nothing.

There are few people that I would consider listening to when it comes to the Gay marriage debate. None of those people include members of our Legislature. I cannot for the life of me understand how a bunch of immoral people can decide what is moral for the entire country.

FWIW, I support Gay Marriage. It really doesn't matter to me if a woman marries another woman, or man marries another man. If they are happy, let them be happy. Consenting adults are that, CONSENTING and ADULTS, therefore, let them choose their path. Marriage or not. How is it wrong to give them the same benefits I have? How is it ok for straight man to cheat his wife, divorce her, and marry his mistress? How does that uphold the sanctity of  marriage?

 Gay doesn't define a person, neither does being straight. Sexual orientation is not a character trait. If a person defines themselves in such a narrow way, they missed the point.

The debates on Gay marriage and Birth Control bother me on many levels. One being, I, as a moderately liberal person want people to be able to choose what is right for them, I want government to focus on more important issues, like, the economy, war, welfare reform, and immigration. I really don't understand why we waste time and money of what is basic human rights. The right to choose when and how many children to have, and whom to marry. If I, as a free thinking adult, wish to marry another free thinking adult, great! If we choose to have children, wonderful! If we choose to stop having kids, how is that your business? Short answer, it's not.

Conservatives on the other hand, feel it is their business. They seem to think that they have the right to tell you how to live and who to love.  They also seem to get *really* angry when a liberal says "choice". I don't understand that. I was accused of being a fanatic, why? I support choice. Choice on who to love, who to marry, when to have children, when not to have children. I support the choice to abort or not. Amazing how the word CHOOSE is offensive to so many.

Now they seem to want to interfere with my family planning. They want to deny my right as a woman, mother, wife, and force me to have more kids. Well, force is harsh, but, they would rather my employer have the right to decide if birth control is a moral method of family planning or not. How is that ok? Short answer, it's not. Where will it end? Will we have morality clauses in our insurance policies? Will we have to fight for prescriptions? How will we know if our employer qualifies for the religious exemption? How do we know this won't become a ruse to save the insurance companies money when they deny coverage over moral grounds? Furthermore, who's morals? Newt Gingrich's? A, four-time married adulterer? Rush Limbaugh's? Don't make me puke.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Birth Control is about Religion?

How can it be?

There are 7 deadly sins. One is Gluttony. Using the logic of our Legislature, Type 2 Diabetes medication or obesity shouldn't be funded either. After all, they are preventable diseases. Just say no to the doughnut right?

It's more complicated than that you say? So is birth control.

You want to preserve religion? ok. Let's fire about half our Congressmen and Senators. Many are adulterous. Many have been divorced too. I thought Religion was against that too.

Why are the MEN of this country trying to legislate my body? Why are they picking what is considered religious? And finally, where is the Conservative outrage over Rush Limbaugh? If that is what the Republicans think of women, I think I will become a Democrat.

Too bad no one reads this. I say we should get the wives of our Congressmen to deny them sex. After all, none can have girlfriends, pre-marital sex is against religion. No sex for a year. Come on ladies, get some batteries! You can do it. You can celibate them to submission. No birth control? Just say NO. Abstinence is the only true way to prevent pregnancy. So. NO SEX FOR CONGRESS/SENATE.

After all, none of these Senators/Congressmen want the women in their lives to be considered "sluts"

Friday, March 2, 2012

Rush Limbaugh


The fact that Rush can say such mean, hateful, and ill-informed  things is outrageous.

All I can say is; He is douche, a fucktard, a horrible horrible person. I am not even sure he can be called a person, as people = human and humans have empathy.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Birth Control Debate

As I mentioned in another post, I will be posting about things that are important to me. The recent debate on contraceptive use and the new legislation regarding abortions is important to me.

I am proud to say I am Pro-Choice.  I am appalled that Religious leaders feel they should have a say in government policy and I am sickened that our government is listening.

Being Pro-Choice does not make me Pro-Abortion, or Anti-Life. It doesn't make me immoral, nor does it make me condone murder. I do not believe that life starts at conception. I don't know when life begins, but a mass of cells, a mass of unthinking cells, isn't a person. Pro-Choice means to me, that I cannot tell YOU how to live. Pro-Choice means that I believe that YOU know what is best for YOU and YOUR body.  If YOU choose to have an abortion, that is on you, your conscience. YOU need to deal with those emotions, I don't.  That is why I don't feel I can tell YOU what is right for YOU. I hope YOU choose life, but, I understand fully why some don't. What is important though, is that they can CHOOSE.

Words cannot express how upset it makes me that our government wants to legislate women's bodies. The government can't force women that have no business being mothers to become sterile, yet, our government feels they can force women to give birth. The kicker? Those that want to see all this legislation offer nothing once the child is born. They want to cut entitlement programs. Basically, they care more about the unborn than the born. Sad. Appalling. Disgusting.

Don't fall for it. The government is waging war on women in the name of religion. Pure and simple.

As I research this more, I will post.
I have not been away, just dealing with a sick kid, a cake that doesn't want to bake and researching an issue that is important to me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sick kiddo.

Conor is sick.
He has thrush and a cold. Poor kid.

Olivia is playing. She's having a grand time in he gym. I hope she doesn't catch Conor's cold though. She doesn't sleep now, I don't think I could handle her being sick too.

Off to do laundry!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Conor had a playdate today.

It went well! The boys played well together. I was nervous, but, I think we can let this happen more often. As long as my husband is home though. In case I need backup!


My poor Olivia is such a gassy girl!

I am not really sure what to do about it, but I need to do something. She didn't sleep much last night, so of course, neither did I. She did ok if she was being held, but I don't like to have her in the bed with me and D.

I have some gas drops from Wal*Mart. They seemed to work, but when she gets all worked up, she won't take them. She can pitch a fit like nobody's business. I need another remedy. When I find something, I will let you know. I don't want to switch her formula again, but, it may come down to that.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Teething sucks!

My poor boy!
I am pretty sure he is getting all of his teeth at once now. He was a late bloomer in the tooth department, not anymore. Poor kid. Six teeth at least are coming in now. SIX! He didn't sleep well last night.

Hugs, Tylenol, and cold water. That's about all I can do for him. Well, that and cookies. He really likes cookies, so, since he isn't feeling well, I indulge him.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bed time.

I am trying to figure out how to get Conor back on schedule. He used to go to bed around 9pm every night. Now? we are lucky if he falls asleep by 10:30pm. Why? I have no idea.

Last night we put him to bed at 8:30pm, he fussed for a bit, and was asleep by 9:15pm or so. He woke up at 1am, I got him some milk, and he was sound asleep again until 7am this morning. I can handle that. I would of course prefer him to sleep through the night, and without the need for milk. I will take what I can get though.

I know the risks of him going to bed with juice, milk, or whatever, but, I need sleep. So, I weigh the risks to his teeth, with the risks of me being sleepless. Weaning him off of milk at night is a long process. We tried cold-turkey, but, that didn't work. So, we take it slow. Water at first, milk later, if needed. So far? seems to be OK. It's better than sitting up for an hour or so watching Sesame St. on Netflix!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name

This just occurred to me. You don't know the cast of my blog. Let me introduce you to my family. You know me as "that Mom", my previous posts give you an idea of what I am like. To reiterate that though, I am kind of a bitch, I am sarcastic, I am conflicted, I love my family, and I think I have a good sense of humor.

My husband is "D", he works hard to provide for us. He works swing shift in a factory. He drives me crazy.

My son is Conor. He will be 2 soon. He's fun, funny, energetic, and an absolute joy.

My daughter is Olivia. She is the very definition of Diva. She is 4mos old, beautiful, and is coming into her own. Her spontaneous moments of pure bliss light up a room.

This is my family. Occasionally ,Nana (my mom) will make an appearance as will Grandpa and Grandma- Linda (my father and step-mom). Auntie Lisa (my sister) will be mentioned as well. My In-Laws are Grammie and Grampie, Lori, Janet and the girls. The girls are my nieces, and are Lori's kids. I won't mention Uncles. Honestly, I just don't know my Brothers-in-Law all that well. They are nice guys, but, I don't know them beyond that.

That's it. That's the family.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

the Improved, "I am that Mom"

This may be long, I apologize in advance for that.

I am making some changes to this blog. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the most important one is that it sucks. I know it. You know it. So there.

My premis is this: I am "that mom", the one that will tell you that being home all the time with the kids kind of sucks sometimes. It's lonely, it's frustrating, and sometimes, it's boring.

 I am "that mom" that doesn't mind that her kid is knee deep in mud. I am "that mom" that will post about a new craft to try, a new mess to make, and give you my honest opinion on how easy it is to accomplish, clean up. I am "that mom" that is trying to make her family healthier without going bankrupt. I am "that mom" that is working on what battles to win or which to ignore. I am "that mom" that is trying to find more of an identity than just being mom.

So, this is what this blog will be about. My trials, my successes, my failures of what I am doing with my family. Sometimes I will bitch about being home with my kids, sometimes I will bitch about my kids. Hell, I may even complain about my husband. I will post (hopefully funny) stories about me and my family, I will share my thoughts on issues that are important to me.

I promise to be honest and forthcoming. If you have a question, ask it. I will answer. It may be a topic for another post, or it will be answered in the comments. Either way, it will be answered.

I am not deleting my previous posts. I know that I sound like a bitter martyr.  Some days, I am a little bitter, some days I feel like a martyr. I am pretty sure I am not alone in that. It isn't a constant thing, it's a "I feel like I need some help, I am not getting any" today type of feeling.  Or it's seeing someone that looks so put together, and feeling like a failure, because I am not.

We all make sacrifices for the things we want. I made major changes when I moved to PA to become a wife, it's been hard. It got worse when I had children. I miss my family. I miss my friends. There are days that I miss my old life. Again, it's not everyday. Most days, hearing my son's voice, or seeing my daughter have her spontaneous moments of pure joy, remind me that my life is pretty fricken awesome.

My choice to stay home isn't a judgement on what you do with your family. The things I do with my family are not judgement calls either. If you want the reason for why my husband and I decided that I would stay home, ask. I am not shy. There are things that I may not want to talk about, but, if they are about the topic at hand, I will.

So there it is. My blog.

the Negotiator

My son is my little negotiator.

He was up at 2am begging for Elmo, or as he says it, Momo. The answer is a resounding "NO." He gives me his knowing look, smiles, nods his head yes and says "Momo." I, of course, say "no" again. He cries "OH NOOOooo", then he asks for milk. He can have milk.

We are trying to wean him off of needing anything but water at bedtime. We know the risks to his teeth, but, holy crap. So we pick our battles slowly. He gets water at the start of the night, and should he wake up, he can have milk.

Nights like last night have been happening more than I would like. I don't know the reason, other than Conor is 2, and that's what happens. What makes them so hard, is that my husband works swing shift. I don't know who decided that swing shift was a good thing, but let me tell you, it isn't.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Good Times!

Finger painting was a success! Conor had so much fun.

It is very messy, but to make the paints? Super easy. I think in total it took maybe 20min to make, then you let cool and color. Baby food jars work well to mix and store unused paint.  I used an egg carton for the painting part.

The clean up is easy too. A bubble bath for Conor, and just soap and water for his high chair and floor. Conor's hands are still a tad stained, but, I am sure with another bath, they will be back to normal.

Now it's time for Sesame St. and lunch. If you want the recipe for the paints, let me know. It's just not in front of me right now, otherwise I would post it.

A brand new day.

I think we are going to finger paint today. I am pretty sure I have all the ingredients to make the paint and I have lots of food coloring.

Should be some good messy fun! This is one of my favorite things about being home. Making things with my kiddo. Olivia is still much to small, but, she'll sit in her high-chair and watch us.

I will let you know how it turns out and if it works, I will post the recipe. It pretty much just  takes cornstarch. I like that. non-toxic and with water based food coloring, washable.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

thank goodness for coffee

I need Conor to get to bed before 11pm.

 The poor kid would.not.sleep. He fussed, he cried, he yelled, and he finally begged my husband to put him to bed. Olivia? she slept for a couple of hours, woke up to eat, and fell asleep on me for a couple of hours.

This mom loves coffee.

One good thing about not "working", I can go to the bank and the store when no one else is there. I can go in my pajamas if I feel so inclined, I don't though. I never leave my property in my jammies. Something about a grown woman in pajamas in public is wrong, comfortable, but wrong. It's not that hard to put on a bra and a pair of jeans.

Off to do the dishes. again.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I wish I were more like my husband.

I want to be able to sleep through a tantrum. I want to be able to ignore the stink of Conor's diaper. I want to know that someone else is taking care of things for me. Mostly though, I want to sleep through the night.

I have never worked so hard in my life as I do now. I honestly thought that being home with my kids would be fun and easier than going to work everyday.

It is fun. Most days, me and the kids have a blast. We draw, we bake, we play and play and play. Though the good times roll, so do the tears. Sometimes a kiss makes the boo-boo go away, but sometimes not. Those times are decidedly not fun. Ever have an almost 2 year old mad at you? You think you have an unreasonable boss? You just may, if his/her favorite word is "NO!"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

being a stay at home mom

Sometimes being a stay at home mom sucks.

Sure, I love spending time with my 2 kids and being the one to care for them full time. The thing is, I get lonely. Not the desperate housewife, need a hot gardener lonely, but lonely just the same.

So? Why don't I go and visit a friend? Because my husband and I have only one car at the moment. Gas is expensive and I don't live close to anyone. I did forget to mention that I live in the country. Bear in my backyard, coyote in the front, .38 special as my home defense, country. I am also not a local. My mom, sister, father, and many friends still live north. They live in civilization. I don't.

Woe is me. Kidding. Mostly, I love my life. It's just that sometimes, it sucks. I am "that mom". The one that will at least tell you, I don't always think motherhood is unicorns and rainbows. The sunshine that comes out of the ass of the sanctimonious, it burns and they know it!