Friday, February 24, 2012

Birth Control Debate

As I mentioned in another post, I will be posting about things that are important to me. The recent debate on contraceptive use and the new legislation regarding abortions is important to me.

I am proud to say I am Pro-Choice.  I am appalled that Religious leaders feel they should have a say in government policy and I am sickened that our government is listening.

Being Pro-Choice does not make me Pro-Abortion, or Anti-Life. It doesn't make me immoral, nor does it make me condone murder. I do not believe that life starts at conception. I don't know when life begins, but a mass of cells, a mass of unthinking cells, isn't a person. Pro-Choice means to me, that I cannot tell YOU how to live. Pro-Choice means that I believe that YOU know what is best for YOU and YOUR body.  If YOU choose to have an abortion, that is on you, your conscience. YOU need to deal with those emotions, I don't.  That is why I don't feel I can tell YOU what is right for YOU. I hope YOU choose life, but, I understand fully why some don't. What is important though, is that they can CHOOSE.

Words cannot express how upset it makes me that our government wants to legislate women's bodies. The government can't force women that have no business being mothers to become sterile, yet, our government feels they can force women to give birth. The kicker? Those that want to see all this legislation offer nothing once the child is born. They want to cut entitlement programs. Basically, they care more about the unborn than the born. Sad. Appalling. Disgusting.

Don't fall for it. The government is waging war on women in the name of religion. Pure and simple.

As I research this more, I will post.
I have not been away, just dealing with a sick kid, a cake that doesn't want to bake and researching an issue that is important to me.

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