Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bed time.

I am trying to figure out how to get Conor back on schedule. He used to go to bed around 9pm every night. Now? we are lucky if he falls asleep by 10:30pm. Why? I have no idea.

Last night we put him to bed at 8:30pm, he fussed for a bit, and was asleep by 9:15pm or so. He woke up at 1am, I got him some milk, and he was sound asleep again until 7am this morning. I can handle that. I would of course prefer him to sleep through the night, and without the need for milk. I will take what I can get though.

I know the risks of him going to bed with juice, milk, or whatever, but, I need sleep. So, I weigh the risks to his teeth, with the risks of me being sleepless. Weaning him off of milk at night is a long process. We tried cold-turkey, but, that didn't work. So, we take it slow. Water at first, milk later, if needed. So far? seems to be OK. It's better than sitting up for an hour or so watching Sesame St. on Netflix!

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