Saturday, February 11, 2012

the Negotiator

My son is my little negotiator.

He was up at 2am begging for Elmo, or as he says it, Momo. The answer is a resounding "NO." He gives me his knowing look, smiles, nods his head yes and says "Momo." I, of course, say "no" again. He cries "OH NOOOooo", then he asks for milk. He can have milk.

We are trying to wean him off of needing anything but water at bedtime. We know the risks to his teeth, but, holy crap. So we pick our battles slowly. He gets water at the start of the night, and should he wake up, he can have milk.

Nights like last night have been happening more than I would like. I don't know the reason, other than Conor is 2, and that's what happens. What makes them so hard, is that my husband works swing shift. I don't know who decided that swing shift was a good thing, but let me tell you, it isn't.

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