Saturday, February 11, 2012

the Improved, "I am that Mom"

This may be long, I apologize in advance for that.

I am making some changes to this blog. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the most important one is that it sucks. I know it. You know it. So there.

My premis is this: I am "that mom", the one that will tell you that being home all the time with the kids kind of sucks sometimes. It's lonely, it's frustrating, and sometimes, it's boring.

 I am "that mom" that doesn't mind that her kid is knee deep in mud. I am "that mom" that will post about a new craft to try, a new mess to make, and give you my honest opinion on how easy it is to accomplish, clean up. I am "that mom" that is trying to make her family healthier without going bankrupt. I am "that mom" that is working on what battles to win or which to ignore. I am "that mom" that is trying to find more of an identity than just being mom.

So, this is what this blog will be about. My trials, my successes, my failures of what I am doing with my family. Sometimes I will bitch about being home with my kids, sometimes I will bitch about my kids. Hell, I may even complain about my husband. I will post (hopefully funny) stories about me and my family, I will share my thoughts on issues that are important to me.

I promise to be honest and forthcoming. If you have a question, ask it. I will answer. It may be a topic for another post, or it will be answered in the comments. Either way, it will be answered.

I am not deleting my previous posts. I know that I sound like a bitter martyr.  Some days, I am a little bitter, some days I feel like a martyr. I am pretty sure I am not alone in that. It isn't a constant thing, it's a "I feel like I need some help, I am not getting any" today type of feeling.  Or it's seeing someone that looks so put together, and feeling like a failure, because I am not.

We all make sacrifices for the things we want. I made major changes when I moved to PA to become a wife, it's been hard. It got worse when I had children. I miss my family. I miss my friends. There are days that I miss my old life. Again, it's not everyday. Most days, hearing my son's voice, or seeing my daughter have her spontaneous moments of pure joy, remind me that my life is pretty fricken awesome.

My choice to stay home isn't a judgement on what you do with your family. The things I do with my family are not judgement calls either. If you want the reason for why my husband and I decided that I would stay home, ask. I am not shy. There are things that I may not want to talk about, but, if they are about the topic at hand, I will.

So there it is. My blog.

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