Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Congressman Thomas Marino

I called my congressman.I spoke with a member of his staff for over 10minutes.

I wanted him to know that I think the outrage the Republicans have over "Religious Freedom" and Obama's health care plan is misplaced. I wanted him to know that by focusing of contraception, he is missing the point. I wanted him to know that one of his constituents is against his fight.

Look. Freedom of Religion is great, we should be able to worship as we see fit. A religious organization shouldn't be forced to purchase anything that doesn't uphold their beliefs. BUT. Since our republican leaders are so focused of what they see as an attack of religion they miss the big picture.

I told the Congressman's office that I felt that by focusing on contraception it was just a sneaky way to abolish the right of women to choose. They picked an emotional issue to get a response without taking consideration to the other religions that will take advantage of a religious loophole in order to have morality clauses. It's the insurance companies that will win. They will make money regardless, while the rest of us are denied coverage. Our bosses will pick the worst insurance companies to save a little money. WE the workers will be the ones too lose.

(ok so I don't work outside the home, but I did. I will again.)

Just because this issue doesn't affect me now, doesn't it mean it won't in the future. If I never work outside the home again, my children will. My daughter will. I don't want her to live a life where she needs to be ashamed of being a woman. I don't want her to have to fight for basic rights.

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