Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's been awhile.

Well, it's been longer than I intended.

Anyway, I did a bad thing. I did not vote today. I know! I know! It's so important to vote, and I didn't. I have no excuse. I just didn't go.

One good thing, it was only the Primary. Mitt Romney will win the state since Rick Santorum is out. I used to like Mitt Romney, I don't anymore. His pledge to do away with Planned Parenthood is reason enough. His plan to cut spending gives me more. In case you didn't hear, he plans to cut everything. Entitlement programs, education, NASA, you name it. Our military will be well funded, as it should be, but our veterans? not so much. He would like to cut veteran care too. His budget plan won't work. Plain and simple. We need to cut spending, we do. I think we should start at the salaries of our legislatures.

I think welfare and the like need to be looked at. I think many entitlement programs need to be re-vamped. I don't think we should do away with them, but we have to remember that welfare is supposed to be a hand-up, not a hand out. It's not a lifestyle, and sadly, for many it is.