Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sporadic Posting

I thought I would post nearly every day.
I got busy.

House is being worked on, kids have been sick.  In short, I need a vacation, or a nap. Olivia is sleeping through the night now, so, YAY! I can't wait for the kids' rooms to be done though. Sharing a room with a 2yr old is tough.

My birthday went well. I had a night off from the kids, and a couple of drinks with friends. Good times.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feeling Controversal Today

Plus my birthday is in a week.
What does that have to do with anything? nothing.

There are few people that I would consider listening to when it comes to the Gay marriage debate. None of those people include members of our Legislature. I cannot for the life of me understand how a bunch of immoral people can decide what is moral for the entire country.

FWIW, I support Gay Marriage. It really doesn't matter to me if a woman marries another woman, or man marries another man. If they are happy, let them be happy. Consenting adults are that, CONSENTING and ADULTS, therefore, let them choose their path. Marriage or not. How is it wrong to give them the same benefits I have? How is it ok for straight man to cheat his wife, divorce her, and marry his mistress? How does that uphold the sanctity of  marriage?

 Gay doesn't define a person, neither does being straight. Sexual orientation is not a character trait. If a person defines themselves in such a narrow way, they missed the point.

The debates on Gay marriage and Birth Control bother me on many levels. One being, I, as a moderately liberal person want people to be able to choose what is right for them, I want government to focus on more important issues, like, the economy, war, welfare reform, and immigration. I really don't understand why we waste time and money of what is basic human rights. The right to choose when and how many children to have, and whom to marry. If I, as a free thinking adult, wish to marry another free thinking adult, great! If we choose to have children, wonderful! If we choose to stop having kids, how is that your business? Short answer, it's not.

Conservatives on the other hand, feel it is their business. They seem to think that they have the right to tell you how to live and who to love.  They also seem to get *really* angry when a liberal says "choice". I don't understand that. I was accused of being a fanatic, why? I support choice. Choice on who to love, who to marry, when to have children, when not to have children. I support the choice to abort or not. Amazing how the word CHOOSE is offensive to so many.

Now they seem to want to interfere with my family planning. They want to deny my right as a woman, mother, wife, and force me to have more kids. Well, force is harsh, but, they would rather my employer have the right to decide if birth control is a moral method of family planning or not. How is that ok? Short answer, it's not. Where will it end? Will we have morality clauses in our insurance policies? Will we have to fight for prescriptions? How will we know if our employer qualifies for the religious exemption? How do we know this won't become a ruse to save the insurance companies money when they deny coverage over moral grounds? Furthermore, who's morals? Newt Gingrich's? A, four-time married adulterer? Rush Limbaugh's? Don't make me puke.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Birth Control is about Religion?

How can it be?

There are 7 deadly sins. One is Gluttony. Using the logic of our Legislature, Type 2 Diabetes medication or obesity shouldn't be funded either. After all, they are preventable diseases. Just say no to the doughnut right?

It's more complicated than that you say? So is birth control.

You want to preserve religion? ok. Let's fire about half our Congressmen and Senators. Many are adulterous. Many have been divorced too. I thought Religion was against that too.

Why are the MEN of this country trying to legislate my body? Why are they picking what is considered religious? And finally, where is the Conservative outrage over Rush Limbaugh? If that is what the Republicans think of women, I think I will become a Democrat.

Too bad no one reads this. I say we should get the wives of our Congressmen to deny them sex. After all, none can have girlfriends, pre-marital sex is against religion. No sex for a year. Come on ladies, get some batteries! You can do it. You can celibate them to submission. No birth control? Just say NO. Abstinence is the only true way to prevent pregnancy. So. NO SEX FOR CONGRESS/SENATE.

After all, none of these Senators/Congressmen want the women in their lives to be considered "sluts"

Friday, March 2, 2012

Rush Limbaugh

The fact that Rush can say such mean, hateful, and ill-informed  things is outrageous.

All I can say is; He is douche, a fucktard, a horrible horrible person. I am not even sure he can be called a person, as people = human and humans have empathy.